Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Spring and fun with the preschoolers in my class!

These are some of the fun spring activities we've done in "The Beehive" classroom, lately.
1. Moved trash cans and ballholders outside to find cool worms! Who knew they came in
differing colors and odd shapes.
2. Make tissue paper collages on paper with glue to represent the Earth on Earth Day. Who knew the Earth is NOT round to preschoolers!
3. After all the cold weather, we were having the students repeat the rules for Egg Hunting.
My favorite was, "No Pushing or Shoveling" as one student put it.
4. Watercolors really are dreamy! A with a touch of crayon drawing first, multilayered!
5. A student was looking particularly tired one morning and I said, "Did you not have your
coffee?" To which the 2 year old from the class next door replied, "No...It was to hot!"
I deserved that one! Wow, kids are learning zinger comebacks in toddlerhood, these days!
6. Watching catepillars turn into Butterflies! Eric Carle illustrations in "Real Time".